The Community Kitchen at MCHPP

In recent years, MFC has worked closely with Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program (MCHPP) to help develop their Community Kitchen. This space opened to the public in the summer of 2022 and provides many benefits to the greater Brunswick community, serving as a welcoming and affordable processing space for small businesses, non-profits and individuals.

We spoke with Brie Nicolau, coordinator of the Community Kitchen at MCHPP since it’s inception, about their relationship with MFC.

Merrymeeting Food Council (MFC) staff and Steering Committee members were and continue to be instrumental in the development and sustenance of Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program's (MCHPP) Community Kitchen. The Community Kitchen was created in 2022 to provide a space for increased collaboration and support among the local food network — MFC's expertise and knowledge has been particularly helpful in determining the future direction of the program, creating connections with local organizations, outreach to local food businesses regarding rental opportunities, and processing blueberry syrup for Crystal Spring Farm. MCHPP’s work alongside MFC since the kitchen's inception is an example of how different groups can successfully collaborate towards a common goal that, in turn, serves the community. The individuals I am fortunate enough to work alongside from MFC are incredibly dedicated to the mission of the Community Kitchen. I have gleaned so much from their perspectives all while having an incredibly positive and fun experience along the way!

Curious about the kitchen? Learn more here!
