Work Groups — Merrymeeting Food Council

Merrymeeting Food Council supports community-led work groups.

Members of these groups meet as needed to collaborate on ideas, initiate and execute projects, and discuss key food system issues facing our communities.

The type of groups, and members involved, are ever-changing!

If you’re interested in getting involved, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

Examples of MFC Work Groups…

Food Processing

Past work of this group examined the need for affordable and accessible processing space for farmers, small businesses and food pantries in our region. Our current work is informing the development of the Community Kitchen at Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program, which opened in the fall of 2022.


Food Security

This work group aims to increase access to healthy food for all, increase awareness about food insecurity in our communities, include food insecure individuals in our planning to ensure that their needs are being addressed, and act as a brainstorming group which facilitates problem solving and support projects and/or programs that address food insecurity issues in our region.

Education & Wellness

This work group is focused on improving all aspects of health through access to healthy and nutritious food. The work group is open to anyone and sought to learn from community members, health care and public health professionals, land trust representatives, and more.

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Farmer Advisory

This work group is open to farmers throughout our 14 town region. This communication channel allows MFC to solicit feedback from farmers or as a way for farmers to reach out to MFC with feedback or questions.

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Seafood Advisory

This work group consists of local professionals and community members working to support seafood businesses and consumption in the Merrymeeting area, and to further the integration of seafood in food system work.

Interested in getting involved with one of these work groups? Or in starting your own? MFC is ready to support you.

Please fill out the form below!