Farm Worker Storytelling Project
¿Es usted un trabajador agrícola en el presente o anterior en Maine? Nos gustaría ayudar a contar su historia.
Estamos recopilando historias sobre por qué la gente elige el trabajo agrícola, qué valora usted del trabajo y qué recursos o apoyo necesita.
Si usted o alguien que conoce está interesado, complete el formulario a continuación y nos comunicaremos con usted.
Are you a current or past farm worker in Maine? We would like to help tell your story.
We are gathering stories about why people choose farm work, what you value about the work, and what resources or support you need.
If you, or someone you know, are interested, please complete the form below and we will reach out!
*Si necesita una traducción, envía un correo electrónico a
Download storytelling flyer here.
“Not all my job is outside, but I like being in what other people would think is really bad weather…I used to build lobster traps...they're both in the same industry in a way… native food, local food, industry, so I think just being outside is probably the best part about it.”
“I feel like for the kind of farming I'm doing, the problem solving is so intense that it helps me problem solve in other parts of my life - just just getting those those connections in my brain.”
- Anonymous Farm Worker
photo credit: Kelsey Kobik 2023