It's Seed Ordering Time!
The best place to find seedlings is from your local farmers; at their farm stands, at their farmers’ market booths, or from the stores they sell their seedlings to. Local garden centers will carry a wide variety of seedlings and seeds, as will hardware stores and many chain garden retailers such as Lowe’s and Home Depot. SEED IS ESSENTIAL. Seedling and plant sales are considered essential services per Governor Mills emergency declarations and the DACF’s interim guidance about essential services.
*Check with farmers and vendors about accepting SNAP benefits - we know those marked with an asterisk below do! Benefits can be used in person to purchase seeds and seedlings of food producing plants, but they cannot be used yet for online or mail-in orders.
Seedling Sources:
Brooks Feed & Farm (Brunswick)
Enterpise Farm Greenhouse (Bowdoinham)
Estabrook’s Garden Center (Yarmouth)
Fairwinds Farm (Topsham & Bowdoin)
Garden Spot Farm (Pownal)
*Goranson Farm (Dresden)
Growing to Give (Brunswick)- Seedling sale typically in mid-May.
Keough Family Farm (via farmers’ markets in Brunswick)
Milkweed Farm (Brunswick) - Follow @milkweedfarm for information about seedling sales.
Morning Dew Farm (Newcastle)
*Morning Glory Natural Foods (Brunswick)
Sheepscot General Store (Whitefield)
Six River Farm (Bowdoinham) - The first seedlings are for sale at the Farm Stand! Located at 52 Center Point Rd in Bowdoinham. Check Facebook for days/hours.
Skillins Greenhouse (Brunswick)
*Tender Soles Farm (Richmond), seedlings will be available in May at their farm stand. Check the website and Facebook page for updates.
Urban Garden Center (Topsham)
*Whatley Farm (Topsham), check out the seedlings page on their website for information about availability.
Seed Sources:
NOTE: Many seed sources are experiencing exceptionally high order volumes.
Fedco Seeds (online order).
High Mowing Seeds (online order).
Johnny’s Select Seeds (online order).
If you sell seedlings or seeds, and would like to be added to this list, please email us.