It's CSA Sign Up Time
Here are a few of the area farms that are offering CSA sign ups right now! If you are a farm and would like us to add your information to this list, please contact us!
For general information on the DACF’s Senior Farm Share Program please scroll to the bottom of the page.
Apple Creek Farm (Bowdoinham)
Market Share CSA - The program is modeled after a traditional CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program where the farmers receive payment upfront in return for a share of the harvest throughout the season. Designed to share the risks of farming with our local community, your purchase of a share helps to offset the up front costs of raising the healthy, organic animals destined to feed you and your family. It’s easy to join and to start using your pre-loaded card to purchase farm products. Apple Creek offers grass fed beef, poultry, sheep, geese and eggs.
Copper Tail Farm (Waldoboro)
Debit CSA- When you purchase a share you will be given a gift card with your share balance loaded onto the card. Your upfront purchase provides capital to start the season with. Copper Tail offers goat cheese, goat milk yogurt, goat milk kefir, cajeta (goat milk caramel sauce) and goat milk soap made from happy goats raised on an Animal Welfare Approved farm. Sign up by May 1st, pick up is at the farm stand or at the farmers’ markets in downtown Brunswick (Tuesdays and Fridays), or Brunswick Topsham Land Trust’s on Saturdays. There are two share types.
“Nubian” (large share):
$200 – with a starting balance of $225
“Nigerian Dwarf” (small share):
$100 - with a starting balance of $110
Dandelion Spring Farm (Bowdoinham)
Dandelion Debit Card: Have us create a debit card for you! We'll hold it on file and you are welcome to use it any time at the farmers' market or where ever we've popped up! Purchase in increments of $100 (simply order multiple of this item to get to the value that works for your family.) Card is good for all future purchases (it is available starting the week following purchase). Card is good for all farm products offered at our farm stands. Card does not expire.
Traditional CSA: Our Traditional CSA is a form where the farmers pre-bag a selection of vegetables for you each week that you can pick-up at a drop location in Rockland, Bowdoinham, or Portland. We currently have a winter season (December-March) and summer season (June-October) offering.
Herbal Kitchen Share: One the first full week of each month we'll package for you an herbal kitchen share. The share may include fresh herbs, elixirs, syrups, dried herbs, and soaps. Available July-October.
Pay It Forward: One of the most rewarding and challenging moments of my Saturday is delivering food to Preble St. in Portland. I want to continue to do this, and bring them more food every week. Please help us do so by adding value (which we translate into product) to our deliveries.
Emily’s Oysters (Bath)
Buy a farm share and participate in Emily's Oysters' fun and unique "community supported aquaculture" (CSA) program! Enjoy the freshest local oysters year round, available delivered right to your home or fresh from any of our local farmer's market locations. Friday oyster deliveries within 25 miles of Freeport or pick up in Bath. Sign up for a CSA or just buy some oysters.
Fairwinds Farm (Topsham)
Free-choice CSA - Our program is set up as a free-choice/draw down style meaning you shop for what you want; when you want it, and we then deduct each purchase from your credit! You can spend it at any of our farmers’ markets, at our farm stand or at our U Pick Fields. For a $200 upfront payment, you get a $250 credit to spend on our produce. For more info please email us at The sign up period ends when the program is full, or April 15th, whichever comes first. Don’t delay! Qualified Seniors receive $50 free vegetables (Maine Senior Farm Share Program)!
Fuzzy Udder Creamery (Whitefield)
Farm Stand & Market CSA - CSA members pay in advance for cheese and yogurt purchased over the course of the year. You can pick up your cheese at the farmer's markets we attend or at our farm. It works like a debit/gift card. We keep track of your account and you can shop for what you want when you want it. We are offering a 15% discount on CSA shares if you sign up before March 1st and 10% discounts if you sign up afterwards. Pick-up at Bath Farmers’ Market.
Goranson Farm (Dresden)
Free Choice CSA - For 25 weeks, select from a variety of fresh, in-season organic produce, berries, and other fruit, fresh flower bouquets, herbs, and maple syrup. You can also use your farm share to purchase other locally sourced products we carry, including cheeses, honey, baked goods, fresh eggs, dried beans, preserves, and our farm raised chicken and pork. You can begin using your share at our very first markets in May. By mid-June, you can have organic greens, veggies, garden starts, asparagus and strawberries on your share! Full Share, Half Share, Quarter Share or Winter Shares available.
Growing to Give (Brunswick)
Charitable CSA: Growing to Give is a nonprofit organic grow-for-donation farming operation that uses climate-friendly farming practices to help address the issues of both climate change and food insecurity. These shares work much like they do in community-supported agriculture, but instead of the veggies going to you as a paying customer in weekly portions, they’re distributed to people struggling with food insecurity through local food pantries and other access sites.
Harvest Tide Organics (Bowdoinham)
Currently Servicing the Following Towns: contact us for delivery to your workplace or community space along our route! Auburn, Bath, Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Brunswick, Cumberland, Falmouth, Freeport, Lewiston, North Yarmouth, Portland, South Portland, Topsham, and Westbrook.
1) Harvest Summer CSA - 17 weeks of nutritious organic, local vegetables, delivered to your office or convenient locations in Brunswick, Lewiston, South Portland, Bath, Bowdoinham and lots of towns in-between. Our CSA is fully customizable! Adjust your preferences so we know what you like for the season AND make swaps and adds each week so you’re getting the produce that works best for your family.
2) Business Drop-Off CSA - All of the CSA Basics apply, and all share sizes are available, we simply ask for a minimum of 4 shares to be delivered to a single location. This delivery option is also great for churches, community centers, gyms, and other community groups - it doesn't have to be an office, any gathering space will work great!
Qualified Seniors receive $50 free vegetables (Maine Senior Farm Share Program)!
Juniper Edge Farm (Brunswick)
Juniper edge offers an organically grown vegetable CSA from June 1 through Mid September, with pick-up on the farm, weekly. Please contact the farm for more info,
Little Ridge Farm (Lisbon Falls)
Summer, Thanksgiving, December and Winter Shares available. Learn more. Summer Shareholders choose from a diverse selection of fresh produce each week during the growing season (June-October). This list will provide an idea of when and what items are available. Recipes and preservation tips are provided each week via the Happy Farmer Farm Blog and Facebook. Summer Pick-up days are either Tuesday or Friday from 3-7pm. Qualified Seniors receive $50 free vegetables (Maine Senior Farm Share Program)!
What else do we offer? Shareholders have free access to a PYO garden with flowers and herbs. We also have PYO strawberries and raspberries for sale exclusively for shareholders.
Work Shares We offer a work share opportunity that allows one to get a more hands on experience with the farm in exchange for a discount on their share price. Please contact us if you are interested!
New Roots Cooperative Farm (Lewiston)
We offer fresh local vegetables from our cooperatively owned farm where we produce healthy fruits and vegetables by caring for the land and using no chemicals or pesticides. By supporting New Roots Farm Cooperative, you are also supporting refugee farmers in Maine! EBT and SNAP customers welcome and receive a 50% discount.
We will be delivering CSA shares on a 16 week season from July-October, with two 8-week seasons. CSA Members can invest in a full season share (16 weeks, July-Oct), or a half-season share (8 weeks-summer (July-Aug) or autumn (Sept-Oct)). Full CSA details can be viewed on our website.
Oyster Creek Mushroom Company (Damariscotta)
Your CSA purchase helps to provides us with needed cashflow early in the season. Your CSA share will be a single variety selected from available wild and cultivated mushrooms. Your weekly mushroom will reflect the weather and season of the Maine woods. Each week’s choice will expose you to different mushrooms in their peak flavor. CSAs runs 18 weeks, Jun. - Oct. or 23 weeks, May- Oct. CSAs can be picked up at our market locations, listed here. Call or email for information: 207-563-1076,
Scratch Farm (Bowdoin)
Full Plates Farm Boxes - Our monthly farm boxes are packed with delicious organic produce, pita bread, eggs, pickles and other healthy and handmade food. We prepare everything from scratch and we grow the majority of the food. All of our veggies, herbs and fruit are certified organic. We are now offering delivery in Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Brunswick, Gardiner, Litchfield, Richmond and Topsham! There is a $50 minimum on deliveries. Stock up! Most of our food has a long shelf life in your pantry or freezer.
Spears Farm (Waldoboro & Nobleboro)
Spears Farm’s CSA can be used at their Waldoboro and Nobleboro farmstands and the two spring-fall markets they attend in Brunswick. You select what you want from the farmstands and market booths and the the value of your selection is deducted from the value of your CSA. Shares are $200 each, those who apply before April 15th receive and extra $25. To sign up, or for more information call or email the farm,, 832-4488.
Sound Pine Farm (Brunswick)
Free Choice CSA - Sound Pine Farm is a diversified vegetable farm offering a truly customizable free-choice CSA! Share size is based on the number of adults living in your household, allowing you to take as much produce as you need for fresh eating each week. You also choose exactly which vegetables you take, so you're family can make all the dishes you love! The CSA runs from mid Jun-Oct, and shares can be picked up Mondays from 3:30-6pm and Thursdays from 4-6:30pm at our farm (53 Pennellville Road).
Stonecipher Farm (Bowdoinham)
You receive a carefully curated medley of what is in season, for 20 weeks of summer; and get it at a 20% (or greater) discount over retail prices. We are accepting CSA members for this summer’s season. When you join a CSA, you are fully supporting local organic agriculture. You are also putting your money to it's highest and best use, per pound of food purchased. We offer Full Share and Half Share options, depending on the size of your family and how many veggies you need in a week. Pickup sites in Bowdoinham, Portland and Rockland.
Tarbox Farm (Westport Island)
The CSA model at the Tarbox Farm is unique because it is based on a credit system instead of a weekly basket pick up. You make the choices about what you want to buy for produce, flowers, or culinary herbs. A record of your purchases is kept and we keep you informed of your balance. You can pick up your produce at the Bath Farmer's Market on during Sasanoa Brewery’s tasting room hours at the farm, 1-6pm Saturdays and Sundays. Our CSA program runs from the beginning of May to the end of October.
Tender Soles Farm (Richmond)
Veggie and Fruit Shares - Join our veggie and fruit share for a summer full of local organic food! Come over to our farm at 453 Main St. Richmond and grab them! We have box shares and farm stand shares available. Richmond School and Town Staff receive $10 off shares! Customers with SNAP benefits qualify for 1/2 priced shares! Qualified Seniors receive $50 free vegetables (Maine Senior Farm Share Program)!
Flower & Wreath Shares - 10 weeks of flowers for just $120. Starts mid July and ends Mid September.
Two Coves Farm (Harpswell)
A meat CSA includes pasture raised beef, lamb, pork and poultry. Animals are sold by the whole, half, quarter as well as various assortment packages. We have an ordering page on our website as well as an online order form. Both of these options allow customers to place a deposit on the meat they would like us to produce for them in the season. In the fall we process orders, get cut instructions from customers, and then offer delivery or pick up when the order is complete. At that point we figure and collect a final balance.
Whatley Farm (Topsham)
1) Market-Debit CSA - A flexible CSA program which you can customize to suit your needs. Sign up any time, get a bonus based on the dollar amount you sign up for, use your CSA account until you run out of money, and then sign up again. Everything that we sell is eligible for purchase with your CSA balance, and you can check your balance at any time in our ledger at market.
2) SNAP CSA - An option for customers who want to use their SNAP benefits to shop with us. We sell certified organic vegetables, seedlings, edible flowers, duck eggs, and pork. DOUBLE YOUR DOLLARS with Maine Harvest Bucks in our flexible CSA program! It’s really simple: sign up by visiting us at any of our farmers markets, or emailing. Each time you shop with us at market using SNAP/EBT, you will only be charged half of the cost of your fruits and vegetables from our stand. The other half is covered by grant funding from the Maine Harvest Bucks program. You can sign up by sending us your name and phone number, or come to any of our markets.
Qualified Seniors receive $50 free vegetables (Maine Senior Farm Share Program)!
Please email us for a sign-up form!
Winter Hill Farm (Freeport)
FLOWER SHARES: Our flower shares are run similarly to a vegetable CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). You purchase a share and pay the cost up front, which in turn helps us bear the cost of the production costs, most of which are early in the season before flowers are bringing in any money. Once the fields are in bloom, you get a weekly (or biweekly) ‘share’ of the flowers- a gorgeous mixed bouquet that changes each week! Click here for more information and the application.
Wolfes Neck Center (Freeport)
Traditional fruit & veggie CSA available. The CSA runs for 18 weeks from June–October, and is $475/share.
Members receive a diverse assortment of just-harvested veggies, herbs, and flowers each week
Members pickup their CSA on Wednesdays or Fridays at our new Farm store located behind the campground office
Members enjoy a CSA newsletter every week that includes notes from the field, recipes, and produce storage tips
Maine Senior Farm Share Program (Statewide)
The Maine Senior Farm Share Program is designed to increase access to local food for low-income seniors. It is a $50 CSA share, the details of how the CSA works vary by participating farm. Sign-up is done with the farm, the 2021 list will be available on April 1. CSA sign-ups begin in April.
Be a Maine resident
Be 60 years old or older (55 years old or older for Native Americans)
Meet the 2021 Income Guidelines:
Maximum of $23,606/per year for a one-person household; or
Maximum of $31,894/per year for a two-person household