Students Seeking Opportunities in Ag Employment
The Maine Dept. of Labor’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) works with adults, as well as with eligible students to coordinate their transition into employment. Currently, VR has youth clients aged 15-18 years old with an interest in agriculture. VR is looking to partner with agricultural businesses interested in introducing young people to the wide variety of agricultural jobs and careers available in Maine. As needed, VR may provide support to assist with the transition, as well as customized workplace training to enhance your workplace culture and dispel disability stereotypes. VR also partners with Maine AgrAbility where workplace modifications are needed.
Are you:
Located in Greater Bangor, York Country, Cumberland County or the Bowdoinham area?
Able to host a work experience placement starting this July?
Interested in the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workforce?
Willing to help the next generation explore their future in agriculture?
Student profiles:
15-18 years old.
Have an interest in agriculture.
Have their own transportation to your workplace.
Schedules may be arranged to meet student and employer needs.
Program details:
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation will provide wage support in collaboration with Manpower - as the employer of record.
This opportunity is for the month of July, but may be extended.
All sites must follow all labor laws concerning the employment of minors.
How do I find out more?
Contact your area’s VR Specialist to discuss if this opportunity is right for you.
Southern and MidCoast:
Darcy Brockman
(207) 822-3343
Greater Bangor:
Elizabeth Nitzel
(207) 623-6798