Community Garden and Grow Your Own Food Resources

While we wish we could have gathered in person this week for our Community Garden Roundtable, we have focused our efforts instead on compiling resources about community gardens and growing your own food. With seeds temporarily selling out from FEDCO, Johnny’s and other vendors and the interest we are hearing in seedling sales we know these resources will be of interest!

MFC created a Community Garden Toolkit designed to help new and existing community gardens (PDF) in this unique growing season and more typical seasons. Resources include: planning guides, garden management, useful document templates, resources and common challenges, funding ideas, and example COVID-19 guidelines. Let us know if you have additional resources to suggest! The University of Maine Cooperative Extension Garden Chat on Monday May 18th at 9 am will focus on community gardens.

MFC’s toolkit and many other resources are included on our Growing Your Own Food page with links to area community gardens, basic growing information, and information on where to buy seedlings and seeds including many seedling sales that started at local farms this week! If you are a SNAP recipient - you can use SNAP benefits to purchase food producing seedlings and seeds.

Happy Gardening.
