Summer Farmers' Markets open with new times, locations, and policies!

Local food producers are working hard to adapt and keep our communities nourished through farm stands, pick up locations, online ordering platforms and by keeping farmers’ markets open around the state. With Midcoast summer markets opening this week we wanted to share a few tips from our local market managers and updated information on market times and locations. Read more about these changes in the Portland Press Herald.

Thank you for supporting our local farmers, fishermen and producers!

Updated market policies include:

  • Follow all CDC guidelines - wash your hands before and after attending the market; bring hand sanitizer

  • Stay home if you feel ill or have been around someone who is unwell

  • Please wear a mask/face covering

  • Stay at least six feet away from others

  • Send only one person per family to shop 

  • Bring exact change, checks or credit cards for payment

  • Keep your visit as brief as possible to assure everyone has an opportunity to shop

  • Plan Your Shopping- you can order ahead from many vendors & simply pick-up your order at market

  • Be aware that some markets will be limiting the number of people out of their cars at a given time to control congestion

Image from the Bath Farmers’ Market. Signs from the Maine Federation of Farmers’ Markets.-Changes are being implemented to ensure your safety and that of the vendors!-Please be patient, and work with volunteers and vendors as these systems are worke…

Image from the Bath Farmers’ Market. Signs from the Maine Federation of Farmers’ Markets.

-Changes are being implemented to ensure your safety and that of the vendors!

-Please be patient, and work with volunteers and vendors as these systems are worked out.


Midcoast SUMMER Markets Opening!

(Click the logos for links to each market.)

Bath Farmers’ Market

Summer Market opening May 2nd!

LOCATION: Linwood E. Temple Waterfront Park

TIME: 8:30am-12pm, Saturdays

SNAPMatch incentive program allows for SNAP shopping from all vendors

Brunswick Farmers’ Market

May- November

LOCATION: The Mall, Brunswick. Between Maine St. and Park Row

New TIME: 8 AM - 1 PM, Tuesday & Friday

New POLICIES: With a list of vendors and links to vendor pre-order forms, here

Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust Farmers’ Market

May- October

Temporary LOCATION: Brunswick High School Parking Lot, 116 Maquoit Rd.

New TIME: 8:30 - 9 AM for high risk shoppers, 9 AM - 12:30 for all other shoppers, Saturdays

Offers Harvest Bucks SNAP Incentive Program for all vendors

New POLICIES & vendor list HERE


Bowdoinham Farmers’ Market

June- October

TIME: 8:30 AM-12 NOON, Saturdays

LOCATION: Mailly Waterfront Park

Items will be available for pre-order/pick up as well as day of shopping.

Brunswick Landing Farmers’ Market

This market will not be occurring due to Covid. Orders from market vendors can be made through:

Merry Meeting Kitchen- offering no contact pickup of pre-ordered farm goods at Brunswick Landing Meeting Kitchen:
