Community Gardens - An Essential Business

Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust’s Tom Settlemire Community Garden

Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust’s Tom Settlemire Community Garden

Community gardens are an important piece of our local food system, a source of food for families and food grown for donation in common good plots. The Tom Settlemire Community Garden in Brunswick, run by our partner Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust, was just granted essential business status by the State of Maine. To request designation as an essential business for your community garden or other business complete this form.

We have compiled protocols other community gardens have developed for this unique growing season.

COVID-19 Resources for Community Gardens

This is a great time to start planning and planting for your health and that of your family and your community! If you have the space and time, consider growing an extra row (or several) for donation to one of these pantries.

For a list of local community gardens, tips on growing your own food, and farms and businesses selling seeds and seedlings, see our new compilation of grow your own resources!

SNAP benefits can be used to purchase seeds and seedlings farms, markets and retail locations!

SNAP benefits can be used to purchase seeds and seedlings farms, markets and retail locations!
