LD 1159 Resolve to End Hunger in Maine by 2030 - Initial Report to the Legislature

Update on the initial report for LD 1159: Resolve, To End Hunger in Maine by 2030

You can read the initial report here. Below are the details of two presentations of the report. Please email jhanna@ccfoodsecurity.org if you have questions about the presentations.  

Presentation to Committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry

March 3rd, 1pm, Cross Building in Augusta

The LD 1159 Advisory Team’s presentation of its initial report will be to the Committee On Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry at the State House Cross Building, Room 214. We expect to begin at 1 pm, but the schedule is always subject to change. You can contact Clerk: Cheryl McGowan, 287-1312 ACF@legislature.maine.gov.

You can listen live at: http://legislature.maine.gov/committee/#Committees/ACF

CCFSC welcomes your presence if you are motivated to witness this historic event. We also expect there will be even more important moments to mobilize people in this process to end hunger in Maine. There will NOT be an opportunity for public comment or testimony at this time.

Cumberland County Food Security Council's Meeting
Food Secure Maine: Developing State Policy to End Hunger by 2030
March 4th, 3-5pm, Cooperative Extension in Falmouth (75 Clearwater Dr.)

Join us at the Council meeting on Wednesday, March 4th, from 3-5pm, where Penny Jordan will make the same presentation and we will have a facilitated conversation on next steps. This gathering is an opportunity to learn, network, and strategically share how we practice systems change in the next decade.

RSVP to the Facebook Event or to info@ccfoodsecurity.org
