Winter Food System News
Learn more about the 2019 accomplishments of Food Policy Councils around the country from Johns Hopkins Center for a Liveable Future, see the Food Policy Network info here.
Some interesting ideas on food security work can be found in issues of Food Bank News.
The Maine Food Atlas is ready and waiting for your business information to be entered. Please include an affiliation with Merrymeeting Food Council if you are in our service area.
Read about Maine Farmland Trust’s Year in Review here.
Nearly $1M in USDA funding comes to support local and regional markets for Maine food.
Fork Food Lab is seeking to expand and help more new Maine food businesses start and grow. Learn more about Fork Food Lab through this video.
Registration is open for the 7th National Rural Grocery Summit, held in Manhattan, KS, on June 8-9, 2020.
Governor Mills’ Maine Economic Development Strategy: 2020-2029.
Read about Representative Pingree’s Keep America's Waterfronts Working Act here and learn more through support for the bill from Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association.
Food system laws passed by the 129th Legislature in Maine:
LD 167: An Act To Prevent Food Shaming in Maine’s Public Schools
LD 289: An Act To Prohibit the Use of Certain Disposable Food Service Containers
LD 292: An Act To Feed Maine's Residents by Allowing Dairy Dealers and Producers in the State To Donate Fresh Milk to Food Banks in the State
LD 454: An Act To Encourage the Purchase of Local Produce for Public Schools.
LD 497: An Act Regarding the Providing of Human Food Waste to Swine Producers.
LD 541: Resolve, To Reduce Food Waste in Schools.
LD 577: An Act To Increase Access to Nutritious Foods in Schools by Implementing an After-school Food Program for At-risk Students
LD 786: An Act To Reduce Hunger and Promote Maine Agriculture.
LD 982: Resolve, To Expand the Use of the Women, Infants and Children Special Supplemental Food Program at Farmers' Markets
LD 1159: Resolve, To End Hunger in Maine by 2030.
LD 1586: An Act To Promote Major Food Processing and Manufacturing Facility Expansion and To Create Jobs in Maine
LD 1679: An Act To Promote Clean Energy Jobs and To Establish the Maine Climate Council.
Pending Maine food system bills:
LD 400: An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue for Food Processing Infrastructure in Targeted Areas of the State.
LD 474: Resolve, To Establish a Medically Tailored Food Pilot Project
LD 795: RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Establish a Right to Food
LD 1167: An Act To Increase Consumption of Maine Foods in State Institutions.
LD 1531: An Act To Establish the Maine Food System Investment Program To Create Quality Jobs and Support Farms, Fisheries and Food-related Businesses.
Pending national legislation:
School Food Recovery Act of 2020, H.R. 5607, read more…
Keep America's Waterfronts Working Act, H.R. 3596
Farm Workforce Modernization Act, H.R. 5038
Summer Meals Act of 2019, H.R. 2818, read more…
Learn more in this story from our Summer Newsletter by Maine Food Strategy about building the story of food system change in Maine. Do you or someone you know have a case study to contribute?
Check out Maine Food Strategy’s new website and learn more about their work as a statewide food system planning entity.
Lincoln County Community Block Development Grants - Application period is open, letters of intent due between 1/17 and 5/1 depending on focal area. See website for details.
Let us know how you would like to see our local and statewide food system grow? Are there connections you would like to make with other sectors of the food system? Email us with ideas.