Monique Coombs + Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association

Monique Coombs + Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association bringing working waterfront communities together

Monique Coombs works as Director of Community Programs at Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association. She is a former MFC Steering Committee member and is the wife and mother of commercial fishermen.

1. Can you describe some of the ways that you and MFCA are helping to bring people together and strengthen the fishing community? 

Monique Coombs, Director of Community Programs at MCFA

MCFA works to bring people together in a few different ways. For example, as I write this, some of our board members, colleagues, and seafood lovers are on a team that is running the Maine Marathon. The team, "Team MCFA" is running to support our Fishermen Wellness program that advocates to better support the health and well-being of commercial fishermen while also creating opportunities for fishermen to more easily access the resources they need. We also have a cool program called Fishermen Feeding Mainers where we are able to purchase seafood from local fishermen, work with local processors to fillet the fish, and get the fish to local schools and food pantries. Consumers can also help support this program by purchasing MCFA's Maine Coast Monkfish Stew or Smoked Pollock dip. We think that sharing seafood with everyone is a great way to connect fishermen and the community at large. MCFA has also hosted a series of informal conversational panels in an effort to foster a sense of shared values around the working waterfront in several coastal communities

2. How can people engage with the work you are doing?

We encourage people to sign up for our newsletter. Through our newsletter people can learn more about what's going on in the fishing industry, events including panels as well as celebrations, and even how to volunteer (or run the Maine Marathon with us!). [Note: the most recent MCFA newsletter included this article on working waterfront gentrification that Monique wrote for Maine Policy Review.]

3. What do you think are the biggest strengths of the fishing community in this area?

Fishermen are the most resilient people I know, and that extends to the broader fishing community. Fishermen live with daily uncertainty, risk, and discomfort. The ability to persevere through challenges and discomfort is what allows someone to build resiliency. Fishermen love what they do and they love being on the water, so they are dedicated to overcoming any challenge that might prevent them from continuing to pursue that passion. They may not realize it because they are just doing what they know how to do, but I think they excel at resiliency in a way that most people fall short of.

4. What’s one other group in the fishing community doing relationship-building work?

I love the work that the New England Young Fishermen's Alliance is doing to connect young fishermen to both the industry and the community. NEYFA staff, Andrea and Bella, are such wonderful, caring, passionate, and smart humans that are creating opportunities for the next generation of fishermen to thrive, and we need that now more than ever.


Richmond Area Food Pantry + Pleasant Pond Orchard

Richmond Area Food Pantry & Pleasant Pond Orchard Collaborate

The Richmond Area Food Pantry (RAFP) is a warm and welcoming community organization that serves residents of Richmond, Dresden and Bowdoinham via twice monthly distribution days. Learn more about how Pleasant Pond Orchard in Richmond and RAFP have identified opportunities for collaboration!

From Jess Roberts, co-owner of Pleasant Pond Orchard and regular volunteer at the RAFP:

I can't say enough about the members of the community who dedicate time to volunteer for RAFP. RAFP values the privacy of its clients. Client relations are built on a non-judgemental approach embodied by respect. RAFP serves the communities of Richmond, Dresden, and Bowdoinham. Lauren, Rae and Susan are a dynamic team who promote inclusivity - multiple community members have consistently volunteered with RAFP for many, many years. My hope is to continue participating in RAFP services for decades to come. The team is unpretentious and exceeds expectations. I'm proud to be a part of this committed and collaborative group! 

This is also the time of year where our [Pleasant Pond Orchard’s] commercial kitchen is open and able to assist RAFP whenever needed. For example, through access to a commercial kitchen, RAFP is able to accept bulk volume meats to further breakdown for smaller portion distribution. We've done this a few times last year and hope to do more this year. One thing both Susan and I have spoken of doing is to process food items that are leftover and unable to last through the next times this can include apples (applesauce to freeze), veggies (soup), etc.. Part of the challenge is availability of time and volunteer services.”

If you’re interested in volunteering, please reach out via email:

RAFP is open the 1st Wednesday each month from 4-6pm and the 3rd Saturday from 9-11am.

Richmond Area Food Pantry

15 Spruce Street

Richmond, Maine 04357

Richmond Area Food Pantry, Inc (website)

Pleasant Pond Orchard

430 Brunswick Rd.

Richmond, Maine 04357

Visit PPO (website)


Harpswell Aging at Home

Harpswell Aging at Home - building community and connection through food

Harpswell Aging at Home (HAH) is a community-led organization committed to helping people thrive while aging at home. Read on to learn about some of the amazing work they are doing within the Harpswell community, and thank you Surrey Hardcastle for taking the time to answer our questions!

1. Can you describe some of the ways HAH helps bring people together and strengthens the community in Harpswell through food? 

All of our programs bring people together.  I think one thing of note is that since its inception, HAH has brought together the community.  We are very large and geographically separate.  Each area has had its own identity and there were very few activities that bridged these divides.  People are not freely attending activities throughout town and meeting Harpswelites that they may not have encountered previously.

 Here is a quick recap of just some of the food activities:

 Meals in a Pinch- This is a food delivery program every other week that provides 4 meals per person to people who need a little help with meals for many reasons.  Some have medical issues, are caregiving for another, elderly and not motivated or able to consistently provide themselves with nutritious meals, etc.  People can come on/off the free program at any time. Currently, we are delivering to 60+ individuals.  Meals are made in people’s homes or by a monthly cooking group at the MCHPP kitchen.  There is great socialization that happens - perhaps more important than the food!  Those “working” MIP have a great time: cooking and delivering what they have made to the place where the group is packaging.  Drivers come pick up the bags and go on their route.  There are so many wonderful relationships between recipients and the drivers!  Lots of stories there.

Lunch with Friends- This is a community wide free lunch event that happens currently about 6-8 times a year .  It is held in different venues in town.  The food is homemade and generally provided by a community group- a church, the Gardeners, the Knitters, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust, etc.  We have 55-100 attend each event.  It is loud, boisterous and delicious.  It is a much anticipated event for all- those volunteering and those attending.

Cooking at 43 degrees North-   This is a group of people who like to cook, think about food and all food related issues. Almost monthly, they sponsor some event which is open to all. Recently, they have had informative sessions (with snacks!) about lobstering and oysters. They do food swaps and demonstrations in person and zoom and all sorts of creative food experiences.  Some events are small- 10 or so …. Others have 40 or more.  

Sharing Table -From June-Oct. Produce is put out weekly for anyone to take or to add to the table for others.  It is supplied predominantly by MCHPP and the Harpswell Gardens as well as individual gardeners.

2. How can people engage with the work you are doing?

 We are always getting new volunteers.  Information can be found on our website or Facebook , through our monthly newspaper and other many other types of publicity sent out by our Communications team.  HAH has a volunteer team to process all of its program requests.

3. What do you think are the biggest strengths of your community?

Maine, and Harpswell specifically, has always been known as a place where people help each other out.  Community is ingrained.  I am astounded at the generosity (both in time and money) and willingness to work in community.

4. What’s one other group in your community doing relationship-building work?

There are SO many: Harpswell Heritage Land Trust works to create a community of people as well as secure our land for the future. Also, the Grange has monthly breakfasts that are very popular.


Bowdoinham Food Pantry: Falcon Market

Bowdoinham Food Pantry: Falcon Market Opens at the Community School

In the months ahead, we'll be celebrating individuals and organizations who are working to build community and connections through food in the 14 towns we serve. This week, we're highlighting the Bowdoinham Food Pantry. Specifically, the Falcon Market, an in-school pantry, clothing closet, and resource for all families with students at the Bowdoinham Community School. One of our goals as a food council is to increase food access for all, and this is a perfect example of community coming together to do just that. Read more from BFP director Jenn Stonebraker.

1. Can you describe some of the ways the BFP helps bring people together and strengthens the community in Bowdoinham through food? 

Recognizing and meeting need is what makes the BFP a successful community strengthening organization. The recent addition of our satellite pantry at the Bowdoinham Community School, the Falcon Market is a prime example of this. The Market was born from a shift in services to kiddos in our area. Within a few days connection and collaboration began with Chris Lajoie, school principal and Nicole Dunton, school social worker. Within weeks we reached out to the school's Parent Partnership where our goal caught the attention of a parent and community member. With her family connections, we had the funds to make this dream a reality. In a matter of months the buildout began while we simultaneously sought funding. We were shocked by the overwhelming support and enthusiasm that met us - we asked for Market sponsors ($300 covered the cost of running the Market for 1 month), and soon found ourselves with ample funding to make sure this endeavor has longevity. In August of 2023, the Market held its grand opening and is thriving! During the school day, students regularly visit the market to grab a quick snack. Additionally, teachers restock their classroom snack baskets, and select items to put in student's backpacks when needed, or to grab a change of clothes for a student who has gotten wet at recess, had an accident, or started their period - needs that are all crucial at the elementary level. In preparation for the winter season, the market was open during fall parent-teacher conferences for families to "shop" for winter gear.

2. How can people engage with the work you are doing?

I encourage folks to visit our website and sign up for our monthly newsletter, Shelf Notes by emailing

3. What do you think are the biggest strengths of your community?

Our community has the incredible (and unique) quality of being a, "yes" community. Not only will our community answer the call for donation requests (giving what they can, when they can), they will support enthusiasm and inventiveness. There is ever a lack of, "let's give it a try." here.

4. What’s one other group in your community doing relationship-building work

Age-Friendly Bowdoinham - find them on Facebook or via the town website.


Spotlight: Julia St. Clair

Julia St. Clair is the Agricultural Programs Coordinator for the Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust in Brunswick, Maine. She has been instrumental in starting the Power of Produce Kids Club at the BTLT Farmers’ Market at Crystal Spring Farm in Brunswick.

How do you interact with the local food system?

My role involves overseeing the Tom Settlemire Community Garden (TSCG) and the BTLT Saturday Farmers’ Market at Crystal Spring Farm, so I get to work alongside a lot of incredible farmers and gardeners. Additionally, I have the chance to promote food access programs at the Market as well as coordinate the Common Good Garden at TSCG which grows produce for the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program. 

I LOVE cooking, and feeding people brings me great joy. Being able to tell folks where everything in a meal was grown or made makes me feel all fuzzy inside. So in many ways, this role is sorta my dream job.

What do you see as some strengths of our local food system? Weaknesses?

We have A LOT of amazing farmers, bakers, and makers in our region - many of whom also consider food accessibility a responsibility and part of their operation. We are lucky to have so many of them at the BTLT Farmers’ Market.

At the Farmers’ Market, in addition to our new POP Club, we also run a SNAP program for EBT users that offers additional bonus vouchers for fruits and vegetables. We also support the Bumper Crop program which is a workplace wellness program that offers vouchers to spend at farmers markets. A handful of our vendors also accept WIC.

 I feel strongly that everyone should be able to access and afford local food and I think the Farmers’ Market is a special place for folks to build relationships and feel invited into the local food community. I aim to continue to explore and expand the ways in which we can invite even more folks to feel welcomed in this space. 

Can you share a little about the POP program and your hopes for the future?

The POP (Power of Produce) Kids Club was launched as a pilot this season at the BTLT Farmers’ Market as part of a larger program with the Farmers Market Coalition. Every week kids come to the Market, they get $4 in ‘POP Bucks’ to spend on fruits and vegetables at the Market.

This program encourages kids to make healthy food choices, get excited about the Farmers’ Market, and try new fruits and vegetables. Additionally, this program also supports our local fruit and vegetable producers. 

Already the program has been wildly popular with over 100 kids signing up in the first month and many of them returning several weeks in a row. The enthusiasm around the program has also been reassuring; info about the POP Club has spread mostly through word of mouth, kids and parents alike get excited about the prospect of bringing home some more vegetables, and it gives kids a chance to engage with some of the other activities at our kid’s booth including coloring sheets and a scavenger hunt. 

What’s been most exciting to me is the conversations I have had with some of the kids who have joined the POP Club these first few weeks; one little girl who was planning to save her vouchers up to buy strawberries once they were in season, two siblings who needed some encouragement to go out and explore to find veggies they might want to try, an enthusiastic boy who came back to tell me he had selected carrots from two different farmers. 

Right now, the program is grant funded and we are looking to secure more funding as the engagement with the program has exceeded our expectations! We are really excited about this and hopeful we will be able to find ways to expand the program in the coming years.

Support the POP Club with a donation to BTLT (add a note saying the purpose of your donation).

What are the most important things that should be happening in the region to support increased production, consumption, and access to local foods?

This is a hard question to begin to answer because there are SO MANY THINGS and I think ACCESS is really the issue in most spaces. But when I think about the POP Club, I would really like to see this program expand and find a way to best track impact. It would be great to see other Farmers’ Markets be able to join in this program and for us to be able to offer ‘POP Bucks’ for dairy, meat, and breads as part of the program as well. 

I really believe strongly in making the Farmers’ Market a fun and enjoyable place for kids and giving them the chance to build positive relationships with our local food system. Getting kids excited about vegetables at a young age will hopefully keep them engaged with fresh, healthy, local foods for a lifetime. 

What's for dinner tonight?

Homemade pesto pasta with basil from Six River Farm, a salad with veggies from Whatley Farm, and hopefully some bread from Bread and Friends if I can snag a loaf before they sell out! (Have I made it clear yet that I love local food?) 


Spotlight: Leah Duquette

Leah Duquette

2023 Farm Skills Training Program participant

The Farm Skills Training Program was started in 2022 by MFC and a broad coalition of partners. The Program offers participants opportunities to develop farm skills and to gain knowledge about how to grow their own food.

Q: What made you decide to apply to the Farm Skills Training Program?

A: Well I was in search of a job and I knew I wanted to do something outdoors. One day my mom got an email about the Farm Skills Program and it sparked my interest, so I applied and got an interview and now I'm here! I'm so grateful for such an amazing experience.

Q: How has your perspective, or interaction, with the local food system changed since starting the Farm Skills Training Program?

A: The Farm Skills Training Program has taught me a lot, It's opened my eyes and makes me much more grateful to everyone who grows and cares for our food.

Q: What have you been most surprised to learn about yourself and about food production since starting this Program?

A:  One thing I've learned about myself, is just how much I enjoy being and working outdoors. Doing projects outside really boosts my mood and calms my mind. Something that's surprised me about food production is just how much time and work goes into it all, growing, washing, packing, and then selling the food.

Q: How are you hoping to use the experience gained through this Program going forward?

A: Well, truthfully I didn't really know what I wanted to do after high school but this Program has really grown my love for gardening, so after I'm finished with the Program I'm hoping to work on a local farm near me. Hopefully, down the road, I'll have a homestead of my own with animals and gardens and I could start my own small farming business.

Q: What would you like to see happen in the region to support increased production, consumption, and access to food?

A: I'd love to see more local farmers and people buying more locally, foodbanks are always such great sources. 


Spotlight: Hazel Onsrud

Hazel Onsrud has been a librarian at Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick, Maine for about the last five years.

How do you interact with the local food system?

Every day, all the time! At the library we’re really lucky to partner with all these great organizations to help us combat all the bad things in our food system, like food insecurity, but also celebrate all the good things, like regenerate agriculture. We focus a lot on growing food literacy too. When people think of libraries, they often just think of reading literacy, but there’s all kinds. Digital literacy, food literacy, and others!

What do you see as some strengths of our local food system? Weaknesses?

There are a lot of good people working hard to make a better food system. The one that we have now has some pitfalls, but there are some really great humans that are tackling different challenges, like improving access, improving literacy, essentially working to remove barriers to accessing food and actually eating food. We have folks aware and actually working to improve things. That means that someone like me, in my position at the Library, can plug in and help.

There are unfortunately also a lot of weaknesses, but none of them are insurmountable. This is a solvable problem. Challenges that come to mind include the amount of food insecurity in the state, as well as how much food we import outside of Maine. But, like I said, it’s a solvable problem! For folks that can afford to buy locally, or grow their own food, that really makes a big difference. You’re helping the local economy, it’s better for the climate, good for the community. It’s working to help more than one of the weaknesses. We’re always looking for the win, wins!

How does Curtis Memorial Library, as a trusted resource and community hub, play a role to support increased production, consumption, and access to local foods?

First off we have books - cookbooks of all kinds to help folks access information about recipes, how to prepare certain foods, and how to explore the world through different cultural and ethnic recipes. We also partner with existing organizations almost any time we host a program or event. For example, we partner with SNAP-Ed for events and they’ll make snacks using local farmed or gleaned food!

Outside of programs and books, we have a Library of Things. Folks can borrow all sorts of things, tools, cooking utensils, etc. Grinders, choppers, canning equipment, pressure canner, you name it. A lot of these tools can be really expensive, to purchase, to maintain, to store. So it makes sense to be able to borrow one for a bit, and then return it for someone else to use. One of my family’s favorites was a stainless steel dehydrator - it’s a $300 piece of equipment. I could have maybe afforded a lesser-quality plastic one, but with this I was able to dehydrate 2 years worth of apples in an afternoon! We enjoy them every single day as snacks. With clever lending, we can teach folks how to grow food, save seeds, and how to preserve food in different ways. We partner with SNAP-Ed to lead workshops to teach folks how to explore the world and various cultures through food. With books, we often say they either help you engage or escape. But cooking lets us do both!

Speaking of clever lending, we’re also starting up our new Plant Library! Unlike books, plants will actually multiply and make more plants. The possibilities are endless when we think creatively! Besides underwear and germs, generally speaking, the world is better when we share. There are just so many opportunities to improve so many things - from our culture, to the environment, to access.

What's for dinner tonight?

A taco casserole - with lots of olives. Being gluten free and vegan doesn’t have to be bland - our spice cabinet is quite extensive! Using local tortillas, cashew cheese, beans, and some veggies like cabbage or spinach, we just layer all the yummy stuff and put it in the oven. Curries and mole are my happy place - so whatever we have leftover in the fridge goes in there too. We like to garnish the casserole with avocado and vegan sour cream.


Spotlight: Delaney Bullock

Growing Trials…

Merrymeeting Food Council was excited to be working this summer with Delaney Bullock, a Denning Fellow through Bowdoin College’s McKeen Center for the Common Good. Delaney (she/her) is a rising senior at Bowdoin. She shared the following summary of her research. We look forward to sharing the results of her work later this year.


Through Bowdoin’s McKeen Center Denning Fellowship and partnership with the Merrymeeting Food Council I am researching the use of marine derived products as soil amendments. Specifically, I am conducting growing trials at the Tom Settlemire Community Garden using the invasive green crab [ground] and sea farm grown kelp as soil amendments to grow yellow straightneck summer squash. I am comparing the ocean-derived amendments to a standard 4:3:3 pelletized chicken manure and control plots with no treatment. I will continue this project as an independent study at Bowdoin in the fall, but I hope to use this summer to collect data and do much of the hands on work during the growing season that wouldn’t be possible to do during the school year.

I have divided my 24' x 24' foot plot into 16 4' x 4' subplots with a one foot buffer around each. In four of the subplots each I have incorporated fresh, ground up green crabs, kelp, chicken manure and four have been left as controls. Three squash plants are planted 24 inches apart in each 4' x 4' subplot.

Before planting or amending the soil I took initial soil samples to test for bulk density and water content. I have also collected and prepped aggregate soil samples from each subplot for conducting nutrient analysis when the Earth and Oceanographic department lab equipment is running in the fall.

Beyond my specific trials, a broad question guides my work. Is there a scalable model to use marine derived amendments--specifically kelp and green crabs--in agriculture? Potential issues in developing this model are supply chain issues and economic factors. However, there could be great climate, environmental and ecological benefits to using these products in agriculture.

I collected soil samples and measured plant productivity in order to determine if there was a difference in final soil nutrients, soil properties, or squash production between treatments. All squash that was not needed in the lab, I donated to the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program. Besides my own trials, I am conducting community-based research through surveys and interviews with local farmers and fishers to learn what factors might affect the adoption of these products by farmers and what factors might be influencing the production of kelp and green crabs in Maine.

Working with the Merrymeeting Food Council this summer has granted me valuable time during
the growing season, garden space, and a broad network of local connections. As my 36 squash
plants continue to rapidly produce, I will carry this work into the academic year at Bowdoin
where I will be able to run nutrient analysis of soil and plant biomass samples.


Additional information on Maine seaweed:


Community Partner Spotlight: Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program

Contributed by Sean Marlin, MCHPP



Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program operates seven services across eight towns serving roughly 380,000 meals annually. That is delivered through five weekly pantries, two monthly mobile pantries, a school program covering 30 schools, and more than 100 hot lunches served daily over a six-day service week. Under normal circumstances these services are fueled by 39,000 volunteer hours and a robust food system donating roughly 1.2 million pounds annually. But things have changed. Schools are closed, we can only have eight volunteers in the building at a time, and there are rumors that our food system may soon be on the brink. 

The last ten years have not been kind to the families we serve. We act as a stop gap for thousands of our neighbors. Before the pandemic we were already in the midst of a multiyear increase in visits with a gradual slowing of food donations. Those trends are likely the tip of the iceberg. We have long believed that many of our neighbors are one crisis away from not making ends meet. Those families are the most difficult to reach. That belief has been confirmed. Our agency has seen more new faces than ever before.  Families that would otherwise never visit a food pantry have needed our services for the first time. All of the pressures on family nourishment have been magnified due to the fallout from COVID-19. 

Under normal circumstances our clients often struggled to balance a family budget because of pressures like growing children, heating costs, underemployment, caretaking of relatives, lack of transportation; the list goes on. These families have the same issues except now many of them are now furloughed, and have children at home. This adds pressure for heads of households to stay healthy as they are often the primary care taker for not only children but indigent relatives. That means even short trips to the store are high risk undertakings. Food security, anxiety, and a family’s outcomes are inextricably linked. Fear resulting from the inability to work and provide has hit our population especially hard.  

But this is also a time of resilience. Our community is responding to these sobering realities. Our neighbors have been donating not just food but supplies and PPE. In the face of school closures school districts continue to prepare breakfast and lunch which is distributed through school buses. Farmers, who have lost their markets, have been reaching out to donate food. Last week the USDA introduced a program where farms can be reimbursed for donated product. You can read more about the CFAP program here:

Our agency is also responding. We have taken decisive action to ensure not only public safety but the longevity of our services. We closed our building to everyone but staff and a small number of volunteers. We have divided our staff into three teams. Each team rotates on and off for two weeks at a time. If any member of one team falls ill we have two backup teams to run our programs. We are implementing a similar plan for volunteers. Because our building is closed we have also transitioned all of our services to be a grab and go model. Many of our services don’t even require a client to leave their car.

Flexibility is the name of the game:

Soup Kitchen To Go Meals - We have had to close our dining room to guests and with it the scores of volunteers serving 100 plus daily meals. We have transitioned to a to-go meal. All food is packaged into containers and in a grab and go model which can be picked up outside our building during our normal hours. 

Food Pantry No Touch Drive Through - Our food pantry has converted to a drive-through style service. Premade boxes are placed into the trunk of a vehicle. We also removed some key restrictions to make our Pantry even lower barrier. Currently close to half of the guests going through our pantry are new clients. We have removed a restriction related to our coverage area, anyone can visit our pantry now, and we are not requiring paperwork from new clients. Lastly, we allow pickup for multiple households by one person so high-risk individuals can stay home and still receive food. 

Expanded Mobile Pantries - We are continuing to serve Lisbon uninterrupted and have increased our Mobile Pantries to Harpswell from once a month to four times a month. Mirroring our on-site Food Pantry we are also using the drive-through model for Mobile Pantries.

School Pantry Increase - With school closures School Pantry has shifted its distributions. We are working directly with districts’ nutrition services to deliver food boxes along with breakfast and lunch. Weekly we distribute roughly 550 boxes of 10 - 15 meals in each box across five districts. School Pantry has seen a dramatic increase in food distributed. We suspect that it is serving many of the families that need food but are not visiting our Food Pantry. Pre-pandemic this program was serving roughly 4,000 meals a month. Last month it served over 100,000 meals.

Food Security Coalition Building Capacity – FSC facilitates resource sharing between food pantries in the midcoast area. Since the crisis began the Coalition has led by maintaining a listing of pantry hours for North Cumberland, Lincoln, and Sagadahoc Counties. They continue to hold regular zoom meetings with stakeholders to maintain everyone’s place at the table. FSC secured and distributed garden seeds to pantries to assist with food security over this growing season. Lastly FSC has worked closely with our food bank to increase food sharing with regional pantries. Since the start of the crisis, our agency has shared tens of thousands of pounds to those pantries. If you would like more information please reach out to Sandi Konta by emailing her at

Crises often catalyze the good and bad of communities. In short, we are surrounded by neighbors of incredible character. What could have been an unmitigated disaster is turning into a story of distanced solidarity. We still have a long way to go and we won’t make it without support. You can keep up with us on Facebook or make a donation on our website. MCHPP doesn't exist without our community; without people sharing food, ideas, labor, and good will. We hope everyone is staying safe in this trying time.


Spotlight: Ben Martens

Ben Martens
Executive Director of Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association

Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association works to enhance the sustainability of Maine’s fisheries through advocating for the needs of community-based fishermen and the environmental restoration of the Gulf of Maine.

Q: What is your job title and location?


A: Executive Director, Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association. Brunswick, ME.

Q: For you personally, or for your work, how do you interact with the local food system?

A: The Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association works with fishermen to fight for sustainable fishing regulations. We believe that through accountability, science based management, and fishermen driven solutions that we can have robust and abundant fish stocks again in the Gulf of Maine. This will (hopefully) lead to a lot more local seafood for folks in Maine and beyond to consume. Fishermen are not often seen as part of the food system, but they take great pride in feeding their communities and we hope to increase the presence of local seafood in our diets.

Q:  For you personally, or for your work, what do you see as some strengths of our local food system? Weaknesses?

A: We have a lot of capacity to catch the best seafood in the world in Maine, but we don’t really know what to do with it when we land it. Most of our seafood ends up getting shipped out of the state to be processed and sold. This means that we don’t get it eat it, but it also means that we lose a lot of the product value. One of the biggest weaknesses facing the seafood segment of the food system is that because seafood is complicated, and because the negative stories that exist around this sector, we don’t have new and innovative businesses starting in Maine with a focus on seafood. We have some innovation in lobster, but for most other species, there just isn’t the energy and entrepreneur spirit that we need.

Q: What are the most important things that should be happening in the region to support increased production, consumption, and access to local foods?

A: We need to be making it easier for local producers and consumers to share in the benefit of the local food system. Even with all the focus on eating local, small farms, businesses, and fishermen are going out of business because they can’t get paid for their goods. At the same time, many local folks can’t buy local foods because of the costs. This is a really difficult issue to deal with, but for a lot of this it is just economics and we don’t really know how to make the local food system work for everyone.

Q: What's for dinner tonight?

A: I have some Gulf of Maine scallops that I froze last year that I need to finish eating before the new season starts in December.
