Bowdoinham Food Pantry: Falcon Market
Bowdoinham Food Pantry: Falcon Market Opens at the Community School
In the months ahead, we'll be celebrating individuals and organizations who are working to build community and connections through food in the 14 towns we serve. This week, we're highlighting the Bowdoinham Food Pantry. Specifically, the Falcon Market, an in-school pantry, clothing closet, and resource for all families with students at the Bowdoinham Community School. One of our goals as a food council is to increase food access for all, and this is a perfect example of community coming together to do just that. Read more from BFP director Jenn Stonebraker.
1. Can you describe some of the ways the BFP helps bring people together and strengthens the community in Bowdoinham through food?
Recognizing and meeting need is what makes the BFP a successful community strengthening organization. The recent addition of our satellite pantry at the Bowdoinham Community School, the Falcon Market is a prime example of this. The Market was born from a shift in services to kiddos in our area. Within a few days connection and collaboration began with Chris Lajoie, school principal and Nicole Dunton, school social worker. Within weeks we reached out to the school's Parent Partnership where our goal caught the attention of a parent and community member. With her family connections, we had the funds to make this dream a reality. In a matter of months the buildout began while we simultaneously sought funding. We were shocked by the overwhelming support and enthusiasm that met us - we asked for Market sponsors ($300 covered the cost of running the Market for 1 month), and soon found ourselves with ample funding to make sure this endeavor has longevity. In August of 2023, the Market held its grand opening and is thriving! During the school day, students regularly visit the market to grab a quick snack. Additionally, teachers restock their classroom snack baskets, and select items to put in student's backpacks when needed, or to grab a change of clothes for a student who has gotten wet at recess, had an accident, or started their period - needs that are all crucial at the elementary level. In preparation for the winter season, the market was open during fall parent-teacher conferences for families to "shop" for winter gear.
2. How can people engage with the work you are doing?
I encourage folks to visit our website and sign up for our monthly newsletter, Shelf Notes by emailing
3. What do you think are the biggest strengths of your community?
Our community has the incredible (and unique) quality of being a, "yes" community. Not only will our community answer the call for donation requests (giving what they can, when they can), they will support enthusiasm and inventiveness. There is ever a lack of, "let's give it a try." here.
4. What’s one other group in your community doing relationship-building work
Age-Friendly Bowdoinham - find them on Facebook or via the town website.